threatens to abandon the dollar as its reserve currency"
Obama threatened Russia's financial standing, but with China
already attempting to trade the Yen for the dollar, it could all blow up in the
American President's face.
From the Daily Caller story: "The Kremlin’s chief economic adviser, Sergei Glazyev,
suggested the plan, which would call for Russia to either entirely abandon the
dollar or to use a system that wouldn’t require the U.S. dollar to conduct
international transactions. 'If
sanctions are applied against state structures, we will be forced to recognize
the impossibility of repayment of the loans that the US banks gave to the
Russian structures.'
But Why.....
"Seth Pickens, LA
Pastor Who Penned '10 Reasons I Love LGBTQ Folk,' Addresses 'Spin' Over Zion
Hill Baptist Church 'Tribunal'"
Christian Post apparently wants to be an online newspaper that deals in news of
the Christian church and family.
However, reputable news reporters usually adhere to the eight elements
of news -- .
story linked above becomes a news story because the subject of that story, Rev.
Seth Pickens, is acting outside the norm.
But we don't know if the reporter is claiming the norm is to affirm
homosexuals or hold them to scripture.
Pickens seems to affirm them, so it would seem that's the way the
reporter leans, but that would make this a piece of advocacy journalism. That kind of journalism tells you only what
the reporter wants you to know, not necessarily the whole story.
fact, there's an entire side of this story missing. For example, the reporter quotes Rev. Pickens
repeated talking about how he "feels", but no specific justification,
no root cause of those feelings. He
speaks out against Christian orthodoxy, with no explanation of what he means by
"orthodoxy." He indicates
"the church" disapproves of homosexuality without explaining why the Christian church would do
that. From Genesis to Jude, scripture is
replete with how God deals with sexual perversion.
truth, Rev. Pickens walks a very fine line where homosexuality is concerned,
and it would be good to know how he discerns that line in light of scripture.
reporter touches on the disagreements between Pickens, his church Board, and
the church membership. Indications are
that there are lessons to be shared from Christian behavioral and
organizational management points of view, but they are lacking. As is the depth of this story. As published it tantalizes and titillates
just enough to draw readership, in the same way as the National Enquirer and
other market scandal sheets.
not enough for a follower of Jesus Christ to do the right thing, those who
observe need to understand why.
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