Friday, September 23, 2011

God Might Well Ask, "Where Are My Christians?"

     Randall C. Stufflebeam responds to another's response: "It makes more sense to me to just not participate in the argument."  The argument had to do with a young boy sent home from school because he voiced his opinion to another schoolmate that homosexuality was wrong.
     God might rightly ask, "Where are My Christians?"  Those who believe in Christ, those who serve the Living God belong in the marketplace, their influence should be felt in economics, societal decisions, and in politics.  We cannot abandon the world to the forces of darkness and expect God to reward us for watching our brothers and sisters walk among the lost.

Randall C. Stufflebeam 
“It makes more sense to me to just not participate in the argument.”

Apparently this has been the attitude of the majority of Christians since the early 1960’s. I believe that is EXACTLY why this country has fallen into such moral depravity – Christians have abdicated their role of being a voice in the market place. It’s convenient to hide in churches and private schools. What other explanation could there be if the large majority of people in this country were Christian, how is it possible that a generation of children has been slaughtered in the womb?

What American Christians fail to recognize is that when God judges the nation for the horrific sins it has committed, we Christians will be here as a part of the judgment right along with those who perpetrate the evilness. Surely I don’t need to remind everyone of the many, many times throughout the Old Testament where God used other nations to chastise Israel for their turning away from Him. And surely, I don’t need to make that the righteous along with the unrighteous felt the consequences. Do I really need to bring up the names of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?

I suspect that it won’t be very long into the future that Christians will be forced back to the catacombs. And when that day comes, you’ll indeed get all the suffering that you ask for. In one way, I somewhat long for that day because in that day, there will be no such thing as a nominal Christian.

HOWEVER… That day is NOT today.

While I concur that the call of Christians is to [Love the Lord their God with all their heart and with all their soul and with all their strength and with all their mind; and, Love their neighbor as themselves], this posting is not about “judging” anybody, but about the complete and utter violation of our “God Given,” 1st Amendment protection of our Freedom of Religion and the FREE EXERCISE thereof.

Regardless of your position on homosexuality, the fact of the matter is that a young man was punished because he voiced his opinion that as a Christian he felt that homosexuality was wrong.

But alas, if Christians don’t start taking a stand against the incursion of evil that is so prevalent in our world, the catacombs is exactly what we deserve.


Interestingly, the Apostle Paul demanded that he be treated as a citizen of Rome and accorded the privileges and rights of Roman Citizenship, yet Christians of today suggest that we just ignore the argument of the day.

I, like Paul, demand my (and every other Christian’s) right of American Citizenship be recognized and to stop infringing on our freedom of speech, our freedom of religion, and our freedom to exercise that religion here in America, where the 1st Amendment is supposed to guarantee protection of our God Given Rights.

Regrettably, because Christians as a whole will continue to just hide in the pews and do nothing and just simply ignore the argument, this country will continue in its moral decline.

Lastly, I will say this: “While there are many who are called into spiritual ministry, there are others who are called into the civil arena.” I know that I am where I am called to be doing the things that I am called to do. I will do it to the best of my ability, SO HELP ME GOD!

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